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Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

Cupid sets his eyes on the target with his sniper scope, and gets ready to squeeze the trigger with hightly trained accuracy, but his taget is thousands of miles away. . .

I'm sure its not difficult for everyone, but trying to show your loved ones just how much you love and care for them while constantly being so far away has been a task that I'm struggling with. I love my wife and son more than anything in the world, and anyone that asks will get an ear full on the subject. The problem is that its hard to remember to do the little things that constantly re-spark that relationship and keep the romance, mysticism and adventure alive. I truly do believe that one of the hardest jobs in the world is that of an Army wife, as well as an Army mom.

With the war in the middle-east still going on, these strong women are forced to play the role of both mommy and daddy for the children that we soldiers have to leave behind. They have to constantly tell their children that daddy is at work and will be home soon. And reassure them that daddy will actually return.

I didn't get to spend this Valentines with my family this year, or the year prior to that, but I hope and believe that my family knows that I was there for them in spirit. . .

I joined the Army in hopes of being able to provide better for my family, and so far through training, duty assignments, and now deployments, I've only been able to provide for them financially. Hopefully after this deployment, I won't be going anywhere for a little while, so that I can actually enjoy this better life that I have been trying to provide with them.


  1. No matter the miles or the struggles, hardships and heartbreak; you will always be Cayden's daddy. He loves you very much and misses you. But for a 4 year old he is very strong. He may not quite understand where you are or why you are so far away but he shows strength with every day that passes. I know that when you come home he will be more than excited to have his daddy back even if for a short time. Know that I will never let him forget who his daddy is and that you love him very much.

    I may not be perfect in any way. We have struggled in more ways than anyone else I know. We have hit rock bottom with finances and with health. Somehow, by the grace of God we have survived. No matter the distance I will always love you.

    I hope when you come home things will be different. I would like them to be for the best. We both know the changes that need to be made.

    We are very proud of you. We pray for your safe return very soon. We love and miss you very much.

    Amanda and Cayden

  2. Cayden is definitely the strongest kid I know. And you are the best wife a guy could ever ask for. So many people I talk to here, are having nothing but problems with their spouses. Mostly because they had loads of problems before they left though. We both have our faults, but we always make the best of all of our bad situations. Sure there are tears shed and things are harder, but we've managed to pull through. You can't even imagine how much I appreciate all that you do for me while I'm over here. I know that words can never express it enough. I love you and miss you both very much and can't wait to be with you again.
