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Monday, February 15, 2010

Frustrations with Ubuntu Karmic Koala Network Manager

So I've been using Xubuntu Jaunty for a little while now and decided to try to do a fresh install of Xubuntu Karmic. Upon first boot-up everything looked to be in order and my little netbook seemed to respond to commands slightly faster. I'm currently deployed to Iraq, so our choices for internet are few and far between. Not all the areas on the Fob are wired for hard line connections, so the other options are to go in with a big group of people and get satellite internet, or use these usb cdma modems. The modem I have is an Axesstel MV100N usb modem, and actually works quite well. . .under Jaunty and any Ubuntu derived distro prior to that.

I went through and configured my modem under Karmic and it recognized it and everything seemed to be the way it should, until I went to connect. It just sits there and hangs. I decided to do a little searching on the net to see if I could find a resolve for this, but every potential fix required you to have an active internet connection to fix it. . .which wouldn't be a problem if I was back in the states and had my home network to work with.

So now I'm back to Jaunty since it has been quite faithful to me, and Karmic has been a letdown with various usability issues for my current situation. I guess I will just have to wait until I return to the states before giving Karmic, or Lucid another go. Its quite a bummer really. Karmic seemed quite promissing. I hated the thought of having to load Windows back on this computer just to use it to communicate with family and work on graphics and programming. Maybe at some point when I am on the Fob for a long enough period of time, I will try to use the free Wi-Fi at the laundrymat to try to find a resolve through updates and configuration, but until then Jaunty is working wonderful.

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